Thursday, July 12, 2012

wanna know what sucks, when your life is like a reality show. i know ive talked about AWKWARD before, but this show seriously is me. Shes all bummed out about a boy and having no friends and shes like no big i have the interweb- and goes on chat random. a guy asks if he can show her his dick and she shuts the screen disgusted. haa, idk why people go on that, it can be funny but most of the time is just some nasty dudes who are obviously to poor to buy poor and to ugly to get an actual girl :P haha. Random change of thought- What do you do when your've been friends with someone for such a long time but you know the realtaionship isnt as healthy as it should be, ? no its not a boy. just a friend. gah. its cold in my room, and im hungry but im so full- which doesnt make any sencee! i gotta get ready for bed.

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