Wednesday, July 18, 2012


all my life ive tried to be who my family wanted, who my boyfriends wanted me to be. But that isn't fair to me, and im here to say that im DONE doing that. Im dont giving up myself for people, i deserve just as much back as i give. as much as it hurts to move on from some of the people i love, i know now that its for the best. If they really love me, and its ment to be- it'll work out. They should call me, and want to spend time with me. right now, that isn't happening. and whatever, live and let live. I dont need a guy to make me happy, or to be okay with myself. Im a great person, smart, caring, loving, creative, supportive. A realtionship is work, and right now im not willing to give that, I dont want to take care of someone who isn't going to take care of me in return.

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