Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I cant keep sleeping in your bed if your keep messing with my head, before i slip under your sheets can you give me something please? I cant keep touching you like this if its just temporary bliss. Part of me thinks that its not a big deal, that its just intimacy with someone, but at the same time, its not. It should be the full package shouldn't it? maybe i should be using it to MY advantage, not his. At the same time though, hes a real friend unlike alot of the ones i have. I just want to be respected, and have effort put in like i do. But that doesnt seam to happen and what im doing isnt going to get me it. How am i suposed to work on myself with i have a thing" with someone. Maybe i should just step back for awhile, work, school and try to be okay being on my own for awhile. IM getting another tattoo soon, for myself. I want a tree from the used album cover. / alex pardee, but i also want something from edgar allen poe. idk what yet though, i want it to be a symbol of new beginning, of being okay on my own, of power.

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